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Thursday, 23 March 2017

Peet’s Coffee and Lavazza Coffee

Peet’s Coffee have 712,983 likes on Facebook, while there followers on Facebook are 689,903. They post on Facebook thrice a week which states that they are active on Facebook always. Moving on to Lavazza Coffee, they have 745,045 likes on Facebook and their followers on Facebook are 744,269. They post twice a week in Facebook which reflects that they are less active on Facebook as compared to Peet’s coffee.
Peet’s coffee posts are regarding coupons and discounts and they promotes environment protection and conservation, also they also supports Warriors Community Foundation. Peet’s coffee provides discount up to 50% on various products and they provide coupons by offering by one get 1 free and by providing free tickets for games. They promote there new products on Facebook page and there posts are related to images, videos and graphics. Whereas Lavazza coffee posts are related to sports events and programs, as they launch their new products and promotes them during these events like Australian open. Additionally, the company promotes their products on Facebook by sharing images and videos of particular games. Moreover, both brands use 50/50 rule and there keywords are highlighted with hash tag.

These posts of the both brands can be considered as successful posts because these posts got most likes, shares and comments than the recent 25 posts of their brand on Facebook and these posts also describes the popularity and interest of the people towards both brands coffee.

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